For quite a while now I have been writing short posts concerning the areas of modern society with which I disagree, and (I hope) making suggestions as to how things might be improved. At the same time, I have been discussing how the system itself requires a total overhaul, and that our approach to life is in fact that which is wrong and harmful: to ourselves and to the planet.
The small steps that we are taking towards improving our impact on the environment are insufficient (yes, I include my own actions in this), and we steadfastly refuse to ask the real questions – preferring rather to examine everything through our pre-conditioned, economic lenses.
I have just finished watching the recent documentary ‘Bright Green Lies’ which I think, goes further than any similar documentary in highlighting the depths of our innate stupidity and which I would like to share with you. It can be watched online for free.
Bright Green Lies – Youtube (video removed from Youtube – 28/09 – sorry)
Please watch it, and if you feel that it could benefit others, please share.