Yesterday saw the President of the United States of America rescind the White House Press Credentials of a CNN Reporter.  The reason given for this by the White House Press Secretary was that the reporter (Jim Acosta) was guilty of “placing his hands” on a female intern who was trying to perform her function by retrieving from him the microphone. 

As can be clearly seen in this video however, that was not the case – leaving one to suppose at the real reason – perhaps related to the fact that a question was asked of Donald Trump which he did not appreciate.

The removal of Jim Acosta’s White House Press pass (under these dubious circumstances) is very possibly the clearest evidence yet of the truth belied by the current mantra that the White House believes in a free press.

Why then do not the rest of the ‘media’ boycott the White House?

The United States of America believes in the application of sanctions against those who act in opposition to the wishes of itself – surely then the same philosophy can be applied to this situation.

The press should refuse to attend any press conference or publish any speech of Donald Trump’s until such time as Jim Acosta’s credentials are restored.  (Additionally to which, the Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders should be sued for slander – which would perhaps also put to rest the ‘fake news’ excuses regularly trotted out by the administration.) 

If the press believe that the White House should answer to the people (rather than the other way around) then it should start acting like it and should not accept the treatment that it currently suffers.

4 Replies to “Want to Restore Freedom of the Press? Exercise the Freedoms that you have!”

  1. The allegations are certainly a national disgrace, although failing to report on Trump cannot be the answer.
    Like all bullies he likes to work in the shadows, taking the spotlight away would just help him in his dubious endeavours.
    CNN (et al) should just allocate endless reporters until he has banned them all, he would revel in a situation where only Fox News is accredited.

  2. But if it were only Fox News reporters who were left with accreditation then how would anybody at all get any actual or real news? Fox would just be endless fake news which flattered Trump?

    1. If there is only Fox News and Breitbart left – then surely that is a clear indication that the White House is not operating in an environment which encourages a Free Press. For as long as the free press remain and tolerate this behaviour, there is no pressure for that behaviour to change. That is the principle of hegemony… keep doing it until it becomes acceptable… it has become acceptable, so no need to stop.

  3. A one off walkout at the next press conference would be sufficient to make the point. The press pack missed the opportunity to support Acosta when Trump attacked him, a walkout then would have been very effective.

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